Saturday, 21 March 2015

Week 14 Updates - End of the OPW Internship period

Hi All,

Since my internship was extended for one week, I would like to update you all with the work done during the internship period. Now I have added the user interface for the users to view the projects for a given program. There is also a programs page, where the users can view the list of programs, the programs page user interface needs some improvement. I then worked on to extend the unit tests so that a user is able to change the program for a given project.

So, now the projects program relationship is also tested and you can see the committed code here.

Currently, the user can see the list of programs, and can edit / create / delete program but only by the admin users. The user can see the list of projects for a given program. The admin user can edit the program name on the project page. If you would like to see this, then you can commit the code present in the test_code branch of osmtm-tasking-manager2 repository on my github profile.


During the OPW internship period, I have learnt a lot of things and gained experience as being a newcomer to the open source world. Thanks to my mentors Pierre Giraud and Kate Chapman.


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Updates on Week 13

Hi All,

Just to update you all with the programs feature associated with the projects, on which I have been working. For the Programs field relationship, we have got the below mentioned functionality implemented:

  • /programs - Programs page for the users to view the list of programs, here the user can create a new program by clicking on the "Create new Program" button which will be redirected to /program/new page. With the program listed, there is an option for the users to edit or delete a program by clicking on the "edit" page. Only the admins and project managers have the permission to create, edit and delete the program. 
  • /program/{}/edit - When the user clicks on the edit button on the programs page, it gets redirected to this page so that the user can edit the program fields and then save the modifications. The user can also delete the program by clicking on the delete button.
I have created the unit tests for testing the creation of the program, editing and deleting the program. The unit tests for program are mentioned in the file.

Then I worked on creating the views for the program field and the templates for viewing the list of programs, editing a particular program. After performing functional testing and unit testing, I worked on the relationship between the programs and projects. 

Simultaneously with the above tasks, I worked on the migration scripts for adding the program_id column field to the projects table and creating a program table. 

Then, I worked on performing functional testing for the correct working of the projects program relationship. I have added an interface for the users to select the program associated with that project in the description block while editing the project. Only the admins and project managers have the permission to edit the project. 

Now, I'm working on the interface for the users to view the list of projects for a given program and will then proceed with the other functions i.e, requesting org and purpose fields. 

I'm still working on this internship project and will post on this blog with more updates. 


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Week 11 and 12 Updates

Hello Everyone,

We have started with the implementation of the Programs - Project relationship. Firstly, it took sometime for me to get started with the implementation and look at the code to figure out the things. Now, I'm working on the implementation to create Programs table in the database for the users to view the programs, then allow the users to edit or create new programs and even delete the programs. These features will be allowed only to the administrators users.

While working on the implementation part and testing the code, I'm still facing some issues and taking the help of the mentor Pierre, to resolve those issues.
The code that has been written is committed in the master and test1, test2 branches on my github profile. Please see link:

I wish to inform that during week 11, I was travelling for religious visit and hence could not work during that week. After that I'm working on the implementation part. To compensate and complete the work, I'm trying to devote more time in the next following weeks and weekends. I'm willing to work for few weeks on this project after the internship period as well.

I'll soon update you more on this !!


Saturday, 14 February 2015

Week 9 and 10 updates

Hi everyone !

So after finalising the mockups designs, the task was to understand the relationships between the different fields proposed for the grouping and filtering of projects and programs.

I worked on understanding the current database model and then designed the backend model (to be used mostly for the database design). The discussion and the final backend design is available here.

The backend design has been finalised after getting reviewed from the mentors.

Backend Design (mostly for Database)
ProjectProgram1 - nA project can have a single program
ProjectRequesting Org1 - nA project can be referenced by multiple requesting orgs
ProgramsPurpose1 - nOne to one relationship means that a single program can have multiple different purposes
Project Priority1 - 1A project will have a single priority (high, medium, low)
ProjectStatus1 - 1A project will have a single status (open, draft, archived)
ProgramProjects1 - nOne to n relationship means a single program can have different multiple projects
Requesting OrgProjects1 - nOne to n relationship means a single requesting org can have different multiple projects
Purpose (Crisis Support, Disaster Preparedness, etc)Programsn - 1n to one relationship means a single program can have different multiple purposes.
PriorityProjects1 - nOne to n relationship means a single priority (high, medium low) can have different multiple projects
StatusProjects1 - nOne to n relationship means a single status can have different multiple projects

Now for the implementation part, I need to focus only on the Project - Program, Project - Requesting org, Programs - Purpose as the other two priority and status are implemented in the current homepage design.

Currently, I'm working on writing the model class for Program, and tests cases for testing the correct relationship between the projects and the program. Also working on writing the alembic scripts.


Monday, 2 February 2015

Updates on Week 7 and 8

Hello all,

Finally, we have finalised the mockups designs of the HOT Tasking Manager v2 homepage after taking into consideration the suggestions mentioned by the HOT community members on the github issue. Since it's not feasible to cover each and everthing during the OPW internship period, we have restricted ourselves only to the most important and basic features that are currently in need for the tasking manager.

So we have designed the mockups of the homepage. I still forgot to change the category "Your Projects" to "My projects", the correct one.

I have got an understanding of the backend design (mostly for the database) and still working on it. You can see more details here.

This week, I'll be working to finalise the backend design (mostly for database) for the display of projects after choosing the appropriate filter categories and also starting off with the implementation.


Monday, 19 January 2015

Week 6 - Improved Mockup designs

Hi Everyone,

A change has been made to the final wording to be used in the HOT tasking manager and HOT Website for the various descriptions. 
Task - The spatial units a contributor is asked to work on one at a time. Those units may be squares (grid cells) or arbitrary polygons. Each is expected to be finished in less than 2 hours.

Project - An area divided into smaller pieces (tasks). For example,

Program - Something with a specific goal, it might be related to a specific crisis or disaster preparedness project. For example, Ebola or Typhoon Haiyan.
We have designed the mockups of the HOT TM v2 homepage. After discussing with the mentors, we came up with the below designs. On the main / first page we thought to have the list of programs, on which the user can click to go to the list of the projects of that particular program aka second / target page. On the main page, we also have a button to view the complete list of projects without selecting any program.

The user can apply the filter on the second / target page to view the list of project as per their needs on the basis of filtering categories mentioned in the mockup design.

I'm glad to see a lot of reviews and discussions mentioned on these mockup designs of the HOT Tasking Manager v2 homepage. Thanks to all the community members for expressing their views and providing with your comments.


Monday, 12 January 2015

Updates on Week 4 and 5

Hello Everyone,

A very Happy New year 2015 to all of you...!

So, we have finalised the new wording for the various descriptions used in the HOT tasking Manager and HOT Website. Please see the below wording along with their descriptions:

Task - The work each mappers is asked to do. For example: map the roads and buildings.

Tile - The spatial units a contributor is asked to work on one at a time. Those units may be squares (grid cells) or arbitrary polygons. Each is expected to be finished in less than 2 hours.

Project - An area divided into smaller pieces (tasks). For example,

Program - Something with a specific goal, it might be related to a specific crisis or disaster preparedness project. For example, Ebola or Typhoon Haiyan.

Also, I have worked on designing the mockup for the HOT Tasking Manager v2 homepage, with the required features. The mockup needs to be reviewed by the mentors and has to be finalised before working on the implementation.

Though this a rough design and requires improvement after receiving the feedback from the mentors and the HOT community members, you can have a look at the mockup design for the HOT TM v2 homepage below.

In this week, I will be working to finalise the mockup design of the HOT TM v2 homepage and then work on the Backend (design mostly for the database) and after that, would be starting with the implementation.
